

所有接受机构经济援助的学生都必须住在校园里,除非, 在学期第一天上课之前, 他们[1]结婚了, [2]与他们同住的未成年子女的监护人, [3] 21岁以上, [4]在他们大学的第五年或第九个全日制学期, or, [5] living with a parent or legal guardian in the parent's primary residence within 35 miles of Fayette. Transfer students who have attempted and successfully completed three full time semesters of academic credit entering CMU in a spring semester or four full time semesters of academic credit entering CMU in a fall semester are exempt from the on-campus housing requirement for 机构al aid. 所有国际新生或转校生,包括从其他美国大学转校生.S. 机构, 必须住在校内宿舍至少一年, 之后必须满足另一项豁免才能住在校外.

要获得机构资助或国家助学金,学生必须是全日制学生. 获得联邦和州学生资助, 学生必须在学位或证书课程中被完全录取. 要获得机构资助或国家助学金,学生必须是全日制学生. 注册的学时数决定了联邦佩尔助学金的数额(如果有的话). 机构援助永远不能超过学费.

Students will not receive any financial assistance if they owe refunds on grants or are in default on a loan previously issued by Central Methodist University or another 机构, or are not maintaining satisfactory progress in the course of study they are pursuing according to the standards and practices of the University. 请参阅“满意的学业进展标准”一页.

Students eng年龄d in a study abroad program are eligible to receive Title IV aid if the program is approved for credit by CMU. 留学项目不一定是学生学位课程的必修部分.

所有的资金都是根据州和联邦政策发放的, and those policies set forth by CMU's Enrollment Man年龄ment Committee and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 性偏好, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 或者联邦政府在给予财政援助时定义的残疾. 有关财政援助的问题应首先向财政援助主任提出. 申诉可向财务和行政副主席提出.

本科生- CGES和研究生

接受联邦和州政府的财政援助, 学生必须在学位或证书课程中被完全录取. 以国家需要为基础的补助, 学生必须全日制注册本科学位课程. 要获得联邦直接贷款,学生必须至少注册一半时间. 研究生无法获得联邦直接贷款补贴. The number of hours enrolled as an undergraduate student in pursuit of their first Bachelor’s degree and financial need determine the amount, 如果有任何, 联邦佩尔助学金. Students enrolled in the College of Graduate and Extended Studies are not eligible for any 机构al aid, 学术性或参与性.

Students will not receive any federal financial assistance if they owe refunds on grants or are in default on a loan previously issued by Central Methodist University or another college, or are not maintaining satisfactory progress in the course of study they are pursuing according to the standards and practices of the University. 请参阅“满意的学业进展标准”一页.

Students eng年龄d in a study abroad program are eligible to receive Title IV aid if the program is approved for credit by CMU. 留学项目不一定是学生学位课程的必修部分.

所有的资金都是根据州和联邦政策发放的, 招生管理委员会制定的政策. 博彩平台推荐没有种族歧视, color, 性偏好, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 或者联邦政府在给予财政援助时定义的残疾. 有关财政援助的问题应首先向财政援助主任提出. 申诉可向财务和行政副主席提出.


  1. Student understands that state and federal aid are based on budget appropriations and offered as directed by the state and federal governments, 分别. 在最终的州和联邦预算获得批准之前,财政援助可能会发生变化. 援助包括Bright Flight和Access Missouri补助金. 联邦援助包括SEOG、佩尔助学金、珀金斯贷款、直接贷款、PLUS贷款和勤工俭学.
  2. Student understands that his/her aid eligibility is based on the financial information provided by them and/or their family and is subject to adjustment or cancellation if errors are discovered.
  3. Student understands that their financial aid is based on the assumption he/she will remain enrolled for 12 or more hours each semester. 非全日制招生将作调整.
  4. Student agrees to notify the Office of 金融援助 of the sources and amounts of any financial assistance which he/she may receive from other sources. 学生进一步了解,如果额外的援助减少经济需求, 他/她的经济援助可能需要调整.
  5. 学生明白,为了获得经济援助,他/她必须做出 令人满意的学业进展 趋向于某种程度. (A copy of this policy is available in the university catalog or from the Office of 金融援助.)
  6. CLAS Student understands that if he/she receives 机构al aid (Fayette campus students only) he/she must meet the following criteria: be enrolled full time and reside in campus housing unless, 在学期第一天上课之前, 或者他们[1]结婚了, [2]与他们同住的未成年子女的监护人, [3] 21岁以上, [4]在大学的第五年或第九个全日制学期, or, [5]与父母同住在离费耶特35英里以内的父母的主要住所. Transfer students who have attempted and successfully completed three full time semesters of academic credit entering CMU in a spring semester or four full time semesters of academic credit entering CMU in a fall semester are exempt from the on-campus housing requirement for 机构al aid. 所有国际新生或转校生,包括从其他美国大学转校生.S. 机构, 必须住在校内宿舍至少一年, 之后必须满足另外一个豁免条件才能住在校外. Social sanctions determined by the Office of Student Development could result in the loss of my 机构al aid. 
  7. CLAS学生接受一种特定类型的机构资助, 比如奖学金, authorizes the Office of 金融援助 to release information that may be requested by the donor.
  8. Student understands that his/her financial aid may be impacted if he/she withdraws from Central Methodist University after receiving financial aid, 但是在学期结束之前. Student may need to repay a portion of their financial aid to comply with federal regulations (See Return to Title IV regulations below).
  9. 学生明白,如果经济援助包括一个估计类型的援助, 他/她必须采取额外的行动才能获得最终的援助. 进一步, the student understands that no funds will be disbursed from these aid types until all of the required paperwork has been completed.
  10. Student understands that if a loan is accepted he/she will be required to complete Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note. Student is fully responsible for repaying all loans and meeting all other terms and conditions of the loan. (More detailed information on the terms of Direct loans may be obtained from the Office of 金融援助.)
  11. 接受第三方援助的学生(即. 军队,后备军官训练队等.)的学生可获校级奖学金减为CMU的实际开支.
  12. Financial aid disbursements of all aid types for CLAS students are made after attendance in classes has been confirmed following the close of the add/drop period at the beginning of each semester (assuming all financial aid documentation is completed). CLAS学生的支付通常在课程开始后的第二个星期二进行. 首次借款人的贷款将在课程开始后30天发放. Students completing their financial aid documentation after the main disbursement date for CLAS are disbursed aid as soon as possible after the financial aid has been accepted/declined by the student.
  13. 佩尔大学的财政援助支出, SEOG, and half of the Direct loan for CGES students are made after attendance in classes has been confirmed following the close of the add/drop period at the beginning of each semester (assuming all financial aid documentation is completed). CGES学生的支付通常在课程开始后的第二个星期三进行. 首次借款人的贷款将在课程开始后30天发放. Students completing their financial aid documentation after the main disbursement date for CGES are disbursed aid as soon as possible after the financial aid has been accepted/declined by the student. Second disbursements of Direct loans and the Access Missouri Grant are made the after the confirmation of attendance during the second module of the semester.
  14. 有资格获得第四章援助的学生可能有资格获得 领取图书代金券 付款期(学期)第7天前, 哪些可以用来购买书籍和用品. 学生不需要获得图书券.
  15. Students who receive federal work student or CMU work study should review all of the terms and conditions of employment found on the 勤工俭学协议.
  16. 获得直接贷款并毕业的学生, 撤军, 或停止超过一半的注册必须完成退出咨询. 退出咨询信息将由财政援助办公室提供.